Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Nailed it - Nefesh B'Nefesh Uses My Idea

The Jewish Agency and (probably) Nefesh B'Nefesh have found a way to get around the strike in the Foreign Ministry to bring olim to Israel this summer. (The article doesn't mention NBN's involvement, but they are directly involved in all aspects of Aliyah, plus their website mentions that they are working with the Jewish Agency to find a solution to the problems caused by the strike. In addition, a friend of mine who works for them strongly suggested to me, while doing his best to not spill any beans, that they were involved as well.)

It's remarkably similar to the plan I suggested over two weeks ago on this blog. (OK, it's possible that they were working on this before I suggested it.)

Maybe next time they have a problem they should come to me first. :-)


  1. We all read your blog and were very impressed that you came up with what we were already doing... We thought you were spying on us ;-)
    Social Media Coordinator at NBN

    1. You know what they say about great minds.
